Harvest Hope Food Bank
EIN: 57-0725560

Donation Details


Yes, cover the fees so that 100% of the amount goes to Harvest Hope Food Bank.

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Dedication Information

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Donor & Tax Receipt Information

Donor type


First name *

Last name *

Address *


Email *

Payment Information

Payment method

Cardholder name *

Card number *


Exp. (mm/yyyy) *



Billing address *

Bank account name



Thank you!

Thank you for your generous donation to help feed hungry neighbors across the Midlands, Pee Dee and Upstate of South Carolina. Your gift is providing not only vital nutrition, but hope around tables.

Thank you again for joining us in the fight for a hunger free tomorrow.

Harvest Hope Food Bank Team


*Please allow 3-4 business days for your tax receipt to be prepared and emailed to you.